Why, oh why, do I go GI?

A little serendipity goes along way.
A little serendipity goes a long way.

I let chance open this book to wherever it wanted last night and the chapter heading read,”There is nothing more pointless, or common, as doing the same thing and expecting different results”.

Nothing is the same or acts the same as it used to but you know, I think to myself, “it’s just a phase”. Like all the years and experiences of my  life, I think that if  I can accept that life is about “phases” and nothing is ever set in concrete, then I have the best chance possible of “getting there”!

Gordon Livingstone’s book” Too soon old, too late smart”, is one of my many favorites. I’m a bit a of the D & M’er and am big on my self reflection and asking  “How could I do this so that I have a better outcome?” I jumped on into reading the presented chapter and the line that resonated most? “The process of learning consists not so much in accumulating answers as in figuring out how to formulate the right questions”.

I know, deeeeeep… but then again, what’s the point in buckets of answers to questions, that didn’t necessarily relate to you, when you could have come up with questions, that REALLY lead you to the answers you wanted. So, think about the questions that are nearest and dearest to you, in this journey and ask them.

They are really what you want to know.

You have to be prepared to work harder at gaining insight and mastery into YOU and seeking to understand what makes YOUR body tick – emotionally, hormonally, in response to your environment.
Living the Low GI Life is about exploring, through science, with insightfulness and mastery, what makes YOUR healthy and rich you.
Having an abundance of what matters most to you.
For me?
Low GI-ing, no denying…

For you? Come low GI too!

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